This building is one of the backlot buildings built by Witt Construction on Lake Poinsett in South Dakota. The family is at the lake on weekends and in the summer, but this is not a permanent residence, said Casey Witt of Witt Construction. Witt said this building is in an area with strict covenants for its portion of the lake. The height restriction of the main floor is the same height of the overhead door at 10’6″. Witt explained how this became possible. “The first truss bay spacing is 12 feet apart. By doing this we were able to allow the door radius to clear by raising the ceiling in this area, almost like a tray ceiling.” The ceiling being raised also raised the second level floor in the bedroom above. This type of construction would not be possible with a traditional stud frame where your trusses are on 2-foot centers.

The main level is a storage garage until the weekend comes. This area then becomes a large indoor/outdoor gathering area when the extended family shows up with room for everyone. Upstairs is where you find the guest cabin complete with two bedrooms, full bath, full kitchen, laundry and a small commons area.

Project Details:

Builder: Witt Construction

building package:
Wick Building

specs: 36’x42’x10.5′

roofing and siding metal: Wick Steel Grey Wood and Matte Black

trusses and columns: Wick

windows and doors: Plyco

other unique items: Cedar timberframe accents in gable, cedar shutters and window planter boxes