Boom! Sparkle! Ooooooh. Ahhhhhh. That is about the closest I can come to writing fireworks.
I acquired the construction publications from F+W Media approximately four years ago. Since then, we have successfully launched two trade shows and three trade publications. We published three consumer books. We roughly doubled in size in both sales and number of subscribers.
Now, after four years, I would like to make an announcement worthy of fireworks.
Reserve June 18-19, 2024

Those are the dates for the first-ever Post-Frame Builder Show in Branson, Missouri.
Magazines and shows are a natural complement to each other. A show will reach a small number of people while a magazine will reach several times more. Both are about communicating information and providing an opportunity for businesspeople and manufacturers to interact.
Frame Building News is the largest and oldest post-frame publication in existence. According to our most recent survey, it is basically alone in its field. It is only fitting that Frame Building News has its own show.
Many shows try to be everything for everyone and see the number of bodies on the floor as success. We know our audience and we know what we want to deliver. Our goal is a qualified audience so we can connect exhibitors and the decision makers who want to do business with them. We do several things to achieve that goal.
Connecting Exhibitors and Decision-Makers

1. Our educational programming emphasizes topics decision-makers want to see. We are not targeting crews and the person holding the hammer. We value them, but they are not our target for shows.
2. Our educational programming is included with the charge for general admission. General admission is $50. If you have relationships with exhibitors, they have an unlimited number of free guest passes. These passes include the educational programming and are good for contractors, manufacturers, or anyone else.
3. We keep it simple and business-oriented. If you are looking for a supplier, it doesn’t take three days. Our exhibit hours are Wednesday and Thursday so you can get in, do business, and still spend your weekend with your family.
The Post-Frame Builder Show is our third show. We continue to learn from our experience and strive to improve with every show. A huge part of that is listening to our exhibitors and attendees. We need feedback to keep getting better.
For general thoughts on our shows, magazines, consumer books or data generation contact me:
cell: 715-252-6360
office: 715-513-7289
If you want information about exhibiting, attending or educational programming for our shows, contact Missy:
cell: 920-216-3007 FBN