You will find the August edition of Frame Building News magazine, once again, packed with usable information. There’s loads of technical data and product data. I have no doubt you will find of interest the report from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). It explains why, even though lumber future prices have been dropping quite a lot in recent weeks, we’re not yet seeing significant price drops at retail and wholesale levels. I’ll give you a clue: As one builder recently told me, “The futures aren’t here yet.”
The longest feature in this issue dives into products that are used to build agricultural post-frame structures. They are arranged (roughly) in the order of top to bottom — roof to foundation. While we obviously aren’t able to round up every component used in a post-frame building, we did pile in quite a few. Web addresses are included so you can easily find more information online. However, if you would like the companies to reach out to you directly, you can use the Products & Services form on page 48.
In the next edition, we will investigate load capacities for different wood species and engineered wood products. (The November edition! Where did the time go?!) We’ll also have continuing coverage on long-span trusses from the SBCA.
You received this issue of Frame Building News packaged together with Garage, Shed & Carport Builder. If you would like to continue receiving that magazine, be sure to fill out the blow-in subscription card and mail it in. Or, you can subscribe online at, or you can give Barb, our subscriptions specialist, a call at 920-471-4846 (leave a message if necessary). If you don’t sign up, soon you will no longer receive that magazine, because it will be mailing on its own.
Until next time — be well.
Karen Knapstein, Editor