Milmar Pole Buildings

Builder: Milmar Pole Buildings; crew leader: Dan Hernandez

SIZE: 44’ x 72’ x 16’ w/ 9’ x 40’ porch

Doors: Mastercraft six panel

Windows: Sunrise, single-hung, Ivory

Roof & Wall Panels: Alpha Building Center, Shipshewana, Indiana, 29 ga.; finished with AkzoNobel Ceram-A-Star 1050 Paint System

Cupolas: Purchased by owner from AA Statuary & Weathervane Co.

Shutters: Menards, custom painted to match trim

Colors: Roof: Charcoal; Siding: Red; Trim: Ivory

This building is divided in half for cold storage/heated shop. Radiant heat tubing run in zones for front half and back half around perimeter. Some of the custom features are cupolas, decorative shutters up high and on windows, faux loft door, garage door eyebrow overhang and custom cupolas/ weathervanes. Use of building is for a hobby shop, place to store vehicles and hang out with grandkids.