Trade shows can be focused on either attendance or buyers. Rarely is a show so big that it accomplishes both, and exhibitors at those big shows that attract both have the challenge of constantly deciphering who’s in front of their booth, while attendees at those shows typically struggle to get the attention they deserve.
That doesn’t happen at Shield Wall Media business-to-business trade shows. They are specifically and unequivocally for buyers and that is exactly how the new Post-Frame Builder Show at the Branson Convention Center in Branson, Missouri, in June 2024 is going to be different from other trade shows.
“Many shows try to be everything for everyone and see the number of bodies on the floor as success,” said Shield Wall Media Publisher and CEO Gary Reichert. “We know our audience and we know what we want to deliver. Our goal is a qualified audience so we can connect exhibitors and the decision-makers who want to do business with them. We do several things to achieve that goal.”
You’ll also notice that these shows are a day and a half long, which is shorter than a typical trade show. “We keep it simple and business-oriented,” Reichert said. “If you are looking for a supplier, it doesn’t take three days. Our exhibit hours are Wednesday and Thursday so you can get in, do business, and still spend your weekend with your family.”
That’s especially nice if you bring your family to Branson.
Pairing Shows With Magazines
The first step in creating a successful “buyers show” is matching the show to a magazine audience that fits the bill.
“Magazines and shows are a natural complement to each other,” Reichert said. “A show will reach a small number of people, while a magazine will reach several times more. Both are about communicating information and providing an opportunity for businesspeople and manufacturers to interact.
“Frame Building News is the largest and oldest post-frame publication in existence. According to our most recent survey, it is basically alone in its field. It is only fitting that Frame Building News has its own show.”
Bringing Together Business Partners
Manufacturers, suppliers, and companies dedicated to all things post-frame will gather at the Branson Convention Center. The exhibitor list is starting to form as our magazines goes to press, but it’s a guarantee that it will include manufacturers of post-frame homes and packages, and suppliers of post-frame components like fasteners, post protection, and truss connectors.
There will also be companies on hand to help you run a post-frame business, including financing and marketing. And if you’re interested in learning how to launch a barndo business, you’ll find resources for doing that, too.
Because the show is smaller and focused on buyers, there will be more time to spend at each booth and with each potential customer, benefiting both the exhibitors and attendees.
Educational Programming
Educational programming is another focus of Shield Wall Media shows. Typical classes at previous shows have included such topics as marketing and running your business; making buying decisions on materials and machinery; condensation prevention and control; fastening systems; financing; and taking advantage of PR to advance your company footprint.
As noted in our article on page 44 about “how to attend a show,” education can be one of the best reasons to invest your time and money into visiting a trade show, and you’ll often learn from your fellow exhibitors’ questions as well. Also contact us if you are interested in running an educational session.
“Our educational programming emphasizes topics decision-makers want to see. We are not targeting crews and the person holding the hammer. We value them, but they are not our target for shows,” Reichert said. “And our educational programming is included with the charge for general admission. If you have relationships with exhibitors, they have an unlimited number of free guest passes. These passes include the educational programming and are good for contractors, manufacturers, or anyone else.”
For Exhibitors: About the Attendees
All Shield Wall Media shows are intended to bring together buyers and sellers. Attendees are business owners and those who can make business decisions. Exhibitors at the company’s previous events have consistently commented that the attendees of SWM shows are decision-makers. For instance, 67% of attendees for the Garage, Shed & Carport Builder Show are either sole decision-makers or part of the group making the decisions while 0% said they were not involved in the decision-making process at their company.
Here’s sampling of other post-show quotes from exhibitors:
- “There was an appropriate audience that included decision-makers.”
- “The show allowed us to connect with existing and potential customers in this targeted industry. We received quality leads.”
- “It’s big enough to attract, small enough to have quality conversations.”
What To Do Next
If you’re interested in exhibiting at or attending the show visit its website here.