MWI Components
Booth 327

Visit MWI’s booth at the NFBA’s Frame Building Expo to see our foil insulation, Infinity ShieldTM! This reflective insulation is offered in standard rolls of 4’x125’ Single Bubble Foil/Foil, Double Bubble Foil/Foil, Single Bubble White/Foil and Double Bubble White/Foil. We also manufacture a no seam 6’x125’ and 8’x125’ roll version of all available SKUs. Infinity ShieldTM is extremely cost efficient and hassle-free. Additionally, the additives throughout all layers of the ultra-white bubble result in a more opaque finish, and the standard crushed edge tab (2”) will result in simplified overlapping. Come check out this newly manufactured product from MWI at the 2022 Frame Building Expo in booth #327! 

Bradbury Panther Cub III™
Booth 645

The Bradbury Panther Cub IIITM light gauge slit, cut-to-length unit is ideal for trim shop work and lighter roll forming applications. It allows you to slit and shear or slit and recoil. Features include a moving front end allowing operators easy access to slitter knives, a handwheel adjust lead-in, precision depth control, the ability to stop and move slitter knives to reduce scrap, an upcut shear for sheet-on-sheet stacking, and the Beck Automation Cobalt control.

Best Products / Midwest Perma-Column
Booth 528

Best Products, a subsidiary of Midwest Perma-Column, is proud to introduce Precast Center Posts for Sliding Doors. Visit booth #528 and find out how much time and hassle you can avoid with this easy-to-install sliding door post, which eliminates wood stub failure and simplifies height adjustment. This pre-cast concrete column with reinforcement is 3 times stronger than standard concrete, too. Midwest Perma-Column is known for products that ensure the structural integrity of a building, and this door center post is no different. 

Qora Cladding
Booth 132

Experience the difference of Qora Cut LedgeStone TightStack. Qora Cut LedgeStone TightStack brings the timeless quality of stacked stone and the beauty of a modern, textured finish in a lightweight, easy-to-install, panelized cladding system. With Qora Cut LedgeStone TightStack, builders, architects and homeowners can achieve the look and feel of genuine stone, without the time and expense often associated with masonry. In fact, it can be installed with general carpentry tools. It’s the immediate cladding solution to achieve an indistinguishable, stacked stone aesthetic that is ideal for exterior accents, knee wall and wainscoting applications. Available in three distinctive colors; Charcoal, Gunstock, and Lexington, there is a Qora Cut LedgeStone TightStack panel to complement any application. Qora Cut LedgeStone TightStack will not burn, rot, buckle or delaminate and comes with a 20 year warranty.