Karen Knapstein, Managing Editor, Frame Building News
I truly hope your 2021 is off to a healthy and profitable start. Here at Shield Wall Media, we editors started our year by calling random subscribers. And I do, literally, mean a few compared to how many of you there are.
The goal of this practice is to get direct feedback about how we can better serve your informational needs. Frame Building News has been around for more than 30 years. We recognize that as methods and technology changes, so may builders’ needs.
We can also help you with your subscriptions … one fellow I spoke with said he was getting multiple copies. Whether you’re getting too many copies or not enough, let us know your subscription “pain points” and we’ll fix the problem.
We can assist you with address corrections, subscriptions, and unsubscribes … but the content is the real reason we’re calling.
On what topics would you like to see more coverage? Advice on how to run a more successful business? Would you like to see even more new products? Stepping back into the role of managing editor of FBN, I’ll do my best to provide the coverage you need and want. I place a high value on your guidance. I’m not saying that I’ll be able to act on and provide coverage for every suggestion, but I’ll do my best to find the information you need. After all, if you have noticed a topic lacking, odds are someone else has, too. If I receive multiple requests for a topic or feature to be covered, you can bet your bottom dollar that topic will be bumped to the top of my list.
— Karen Knapstein
Shield Wall Media
PO Box 255
Iola, WI 54945